PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

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Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Camper from Raphael Warnock-Run camp tells tale of abuse

The camper sued and received a “large financial settlement,” according to the a story in the Free Beacon. (Free Beacon).  

Loeffler called the allegations “disqualifying” (Fox News).

Warnock praised Jeremiah Wright’s most controversial sermon (Fox News).

Ossoff and Warnock, the highest funded candidates in history, are bankrolled by leftist donors in New York and California (NY Post).

And they have the support of the anti-police Black Lives Matter (Washington Times). 


Senator Chuck Schumer is not feeling so good about Ossoff and Warnock’s chances (Hot Air).

Jon Ossoff promoted Chinese propaganda outlet

Months after leaving Rep. Hank Johnson’s (D., Ga.) office—where he spent five months serving as a “national security aide” with top-secret clearance—in August 2012, Ossoff urged his Twitter followers to read Xinhua News Agency, a Chinese Communist Party-run propaganda organ (Free Beacon).

"China is our enemy – Georgia voters please don’t send this guy to the US Senate (Sean Spicer - Twitter)."

"There is no room for #China’s regime in our society. No room for its spies, no room for its “diplomats,” no room for its supporters. No room at all (Gordan Chang - Twitter)."


More on China punishing a citizen journalist for exposing the truth about the virus (Townhall).

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