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Monday, December 28, 2020

Jon Ossoff tied to China

Jon Ossoff, (D), is the candidate for US Senate seat from Georgia, which is currently held by a Republican.

The doings of President elect Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and California Democratic Rep. Swalwell, have kept stories of Beijing’s influence on Ossoff in the news. 

This is oxygen to Republicans hammering Mr. Ossoff‘s link to a Hong Kong conglomerate owned in part by the Chinese communist government.

Mr. Ossoff, who is challenging Republican Sen. David Perdue in a Jan. 5 runoff election, slipped a few points in the Dec. 18 poll by the Trafalgar Group, which pollster Robert Cahaly attributed primarily to the China issue (Washington Times).


Trump will hold a rally for Perdue and Loeffler the night before the election (Fox News).


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