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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Hunter Biden faces investigation for federal tax fraud

The story of corruption that refuses to go away.

"President-elect Joe Biden’s son revealed Wednesday that he’s under federal investigation for possible tax fraud, with a report saying the Justice Department is examining his overseas business dealings. The probe also reportedly involves a laptop that belonged to Hunter Biden, the existence of which was first reported by The Post, and which contains communciations [sic] and documents detailing some of his business dealings in China and Ukraine (NY Post).

Remember when Twitter suppressed the New York Post for reporting this story to begin with? (NY Post).

“For over one year I led review of Hunter Biden’s biz deals overseas with big focus on China but many Dems/news orgs dismissed/ignored Some even baselessly said it was foreign disinfo Now those same orgs report IRS/FBI subpoenaing Hunter Biden in tax fraud probe over his China ties” (Chuck Grassley - Twitter)."

"Our media, who defiantly censored this story, are so corrupt and disgusting. They–with BigTech–blatantly meddled in the 2020 election and against the American people by hiding genuinely important national security stories about Biden (after years of lying about Trump) (Mollie Hemingway - Twitter)."


A bit of background and an implication of a potential Harris presidency.

Tony Bobulliski, a Biden family business associate, said:

“I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about business,” Bobulinski said. “I’ve seen first-hand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”  (Heavy)

You have to wonder if the American president elect Joe Biden will be in office for long.  Politico has a 55 point summary of VP-elect Kamala Harris  (Politico)

You have to wonder if the American president elect Joe Biden will be in office for long.  Politico has a 55 point summary of VP-elect Kamala Harris  (Politico)

While Harris served as California's state attorney general, med student Kathryn Steinle was murdered by illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez with a gun stolen from a federal agent  (CBS News)

National Review calls Harris' DA record "dreadful" (National Review)














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