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Friday, April 16, 2021

Rep. Newhouse Addresses President Biden's "Infrastructure" Plan

By Rep. Dan Newhouse

President Biden's $2 trillion “infrastructure” package is a massive tax-and-spend proposal, with less than 8% actually going to our nation’s infrastructure.

Perhaps even more concerning, $600 billion will advance the radical principles outlined in the Green New Deal, which will directly harm our rural communities in Central Washington (a largely agricultural area).
How will President Biden pay for all of this new spending?  With tax increases.

We are still dealing with the devastating economic impacts of a year-long shutdown. Now is not the time to raise taxes [to] put billions toward Green New Deal policies that won’t work for our district or numerous.  [Nor is it time to spend on] other priorities from far-left Democrats in Congress that have nothing to do with our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. 

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