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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

K.A. Strassel says Trump’s justice appointments will save us from Biden’s Fiberalism


"…the U.S. of 2021 will be very different than the Obama years in one key regard—or rather, in 233 regards. That’s the number of judges Mitch McConnell’s Senate has so far confirmed over the past four years, and Donald Trump’s most enduring legacy," Strassesl wrote.

Team Biden will struggle to replicate the Obama regulatory machine “because much of what they want to do will be well beyond any statutory or constitutional authority, and what we have now are a number of judges attuned to those issues and unafraid to hold the executive branch accountable,” says Don McGahn, Mr. Trump’s first White House counsel.  (WSJ) 

Mr Trump's picks for judgeships all view judging as law enforcement of the law as written.  We can all find out what the law is in advance of doing some thing.

This is why packing the SCOTUS cannot be allowed.  The Congress would be writing itself out of the law-making business.  After all, if a bench of judges decide that written law does not apply, no matter what Congress decides it does not matter.  Judges would no longer judge according to written law, judges would make ruling by the personal principle of  "I'll know it when I see it".

If Mr Biden and the Democrat Party elitists pack the court system, representative government becomes irrelevant. Bye-bye democracy.

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