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Monday, December 21, 2020

Congress COVID relief, new COVID in UK, & CA COVID stats

The kinda good news - Congress agreed to $900 billion "relief" 

From the story: Though an agreement was reached, the bill’s text has yet to be released. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said on a House conference call that they should expect a Monday vote, and the Senate should vote on the bill shortly after (Daily Caller).

Some details on the relief package from a leftist publication (NY Times).

From the Wall Street Journal editorial board: … please don’t call this economic stimulus. With some exceptions, the main relief here is for the politicians who want to take credit for doling out more cash to major constituents (WSJ).

For perspective, more people dies from drug overdoses than from COVID in San Francisco this year

621 died from drug overdoses in 2020.  173 died from Covid. (Drug overdoses in all of 2019 totaled 441.)  (Red State)


The panic now news - In Great Britain a new strain of COVID was discovered.

Scientists identified a more infectious Covid-19 strain in the United Kingdom.  Researchers in the U.K. estimate that this new variant could be as much as 70% more transmissible than more established strains.

Some of the changes are on the spike protein on the surface of the virus, potentially enabling it to more easily cling to and enter human cells.

Scientists don’t believe it is any more deadly (WSJ). 


Meanwhile, the situation in Southern California grows more dire.  According to the story, “As of Sunday, more than 16,840 people were hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 infections — more than double the previous peak reached in July — and a state model that uses current data to forecast future trends shows the number could reach 75,000 by mid-January.

More than 3,610 COVID-19 patients were in intensive care units. All of Southern California and the 12-county San Joaquin Valley to the north have exhausted their regular ICU capacity, and some hospitals have begun using “surge” space.

Overall, the CA state ICU capacity was just 2.1% on Sunday” (ABC News).  



House and Senate pass the stimulus bill

Though not without controversy, including $700 million to Sudan (Red State) and $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan (Fox Business).

More on the oddities (Townhall).

The Senate passed the bill late last night (Fox News).

A look at what each individual will likely receive and when (NY Times).

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says the $600 checks could arrive next week (Fox News). 




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