PreviewThe people shape their own destiny
-- either as free people or as slaves.

If they remain self-reliant, they stay free.
Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
-- destroys lives.

Government panacea is a defective idea.
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Monday, December 7, 2020

Leftists in Congress gather to restrict our firearms.

The biggest Second Amendment battles of our lives will soon be on our doorstep.

National gun-registration. National gun-owner licensing. Gun rationing. Gun bans. Huge taxes just to keep the firearms and magazines you already own. Even nationwide gun confiscations.  It’s all on the table and it’s all headed our way.

YOUR VOICE must be the first one that Congress hears when they go to work in early January.  NOT Bloomberg’s lies. NOT the gun-ban lobby’s phony polls. NOT the fake news media’s deceptive reporting.

Every gun-ban lobbyist in Washington, D.C. will soon be lining the halls of Congress to pressure newly elected officials into passing freedom-killing, anti-gun bills – including outright bans on your constitutional right to own firearms.

Michael Bloomberg and his legions of bought-and-paid-for “activists” are going to be papering congressional offices with deceitful propaganda that blames you and your freedom for the surge in violent crime we’ve seen this past year.

The lying, gun-hating media will be shining a white-hot spotlight on every newly elected Senator and Representative – trying to publicly shame them into siding with gun-ban politicians against YOU and YOUR FREEDOM.

The only thing that can prevent a tidal wave of anti-gun legislation from moving through Congress in the coming weeks and months is for gun owners like you and me to speak up, speak loudly and speak with one voice.

The harsh truth is we’ve got a long, difficult road ahead of us.

We’re looking at nothing less than the toughest, most brutal, most demanding, most high-stakes Second Amendment battles in American history.

Anti-gun extremists in Washington, D.C. will stop at nothing – using every despicable tactic, every dirty trick, and every vile lie – to outlaw our guns and put an end to American freedom.

Our opposition must start by petitioning our Congress.

Petition link

This is how our fight to keep our freedom begins. 

Join the National Rifle Association



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