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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Leftists demand Biden ban alternative viewpoints

Max Boot tweeted “Biden needs to reinvigorate the FCC to slow the lies and sedition from Fox and other right-wing broadcasters. Or else the terrorism we saw on Jan. 6 may be only the beginning, rather than the end, of the plot against America....” (Twitter) in promoting his looney, authoritarian, column in the Washington Post.

Max Boot says American citizens cannot be allowed have free and open inquiry -- the market place of ideas cannot be tolerated.  Such arrogant hatred of the citizens fits in well with recent history


Over the Summer of 2020 the Democrat leftist extremists rioted in and burnt several American cities.  Those cities, run by Democrats, sympathetically allowed the rioters to riot at the expense of the hapless citizenry. A short list of examples,

  1. Milwaukie Riot Police are withdrawn from the riot torn areas.
  2. Portland Riots, Antifa murders a Trump supporter.  Police are withdrawn from the riot torn areas.
  3. Seattle Riots - What mayor Jenny Durkin called the "Summer of Love" adorned with a few murders (Summit News). The Leftist dominated Seattle  city government's response was to withdraw the police from the riot torn area, and cut law enforcement's budget. (KING 5 video).  Then there was another murder in Seattle CHOP (New York Times)
  4. Then WA DC  Riots and a number of Trump supporters are implicated. (USA Today)

The WA DC riot....  the Leftist media rampages.  The Democrats go on a rampage.

Democrats impeach President Trump for insurrection! (ABC) -- Mr Trump failed to use his wizard power to stop the DC riot.  Seriously, that's stupid.  What was he supposed to do?

Democrats call out 26,000 federal troops! (Tucker Carlson) -- No mere band of citizens is allowed to act up in WA DC without having to face unlimited military force.


Compare the slovenly response of the Democrats when American citizens lives were threatened last summer to the screeching panic about WA DC, it becomes clear the Democrats care about the seat of power, but not the lives of citizens.


"President-elect Joe Biden got a text from his granddaughter about how police handled the US Capitol rioters, telling him, “Pop, this isn’t fair,” Biden said Thursday.

Biden then added: “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol. We all know that’s true, and it is unacceptable.”

We’re not sure what country Biden lives in — or Kamala Harris, who echoed the remarks — but it isn’t the United States."

Across the country, BLM and Antifa were coddled. Portland allowed them to set up an autonomous zone in the middle of the city for months, and police and politicians did nothing.

In liberal cities, politicians told cops to back off and pushed for more lawbreakers to be released without bail or no charges. (New York Post)


How serious is the Democrat Party's threat to democracy?  Well, how long will it take them to empty the federal troops out of the Peoples' City?

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