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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Raffensperger defends telephone call with Trump

From the story about Georgia’s Secretary of State -- Raffensperger denied speaking to Trump before the leaked phone call and said he “never believed it was appropriate” to do so. Georgia’s secretary of state continued on to accuse Trump and his staff of continuing to push for the phone call.

“We took the call and we had a conversation,” Raffensperger explained. “He did most of the talking. We did most of the listening, but I did want to make my points the data he has is just plain wrong. He had hundreds and hundreds of people he said that were dead that voted. We found two, that’s an example. He has bad data” (Daily Caller).

The original story of the leaked conversation (Washington Post).

Meanwhile, from Hugh Hewitt on the certification debate: “Following both the 2004 and 2016 elections,” Hawley said in announcing his decision to object to the electoral college count, “Democrats in Congress objected during the certification of electoral votes in order to raise concerns about election integrity.” He continued: “They were praised by Democratic leadership and the media when they did. And they were entitled to do so.

But now those of us concerned about the integrity of this election are entitled to do the same.” Hawley is not arguing that his concerns are the same that animated Democrats in 2004 and 2016. He is saying his right to object for his reasons is as grounded in law as theirs was, and Hawley is correct (Washington Post).


"Democracy Dies in Darkness."  WaPo finally recalled their motto,

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