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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

What happened in Washington, DC?

What we know is something went wrong in the nation's capitol.  National Guard were called out.  The DC mayor ordered a curfew, and all the libelous media insisted protestors were Trump supporters seeking to overturn the election results (DuckDuckGo).  The mayor and the 'Democratic Party' leaders have declared emergency, with deployment of the military, in a very reactionary way.

Yahoo stated "A violent, armed mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol Building Wednesday, entering the House and Senate chambers and forcing legislators and staff to take shelter. The astonishing turn of events came an hour after President Trump exhorted a Washington rally to protest the congressional certification of the Electoral College vote."

The Proud Boys were planning to sneak into DC, January 6, along with the Black Lives Matter (FOX NEWS).  Black Lives Matter has burned sections of downtown of some West Coast cities.  Proud Boys sounds like a purpose built comedy, but I guess they really exist. 

How someone identify anyone else's allegiances at the riots?  How many ringers were in the crowd?   When BLM was rioting the Capitol last summer, was anyone checking for political purity? 

But are Republicans behind this somehow?  Violent?  Armed?  Maybe inept?

Because the Republican Party Headquarters in DC was also the apparent target of a bombing.  (The Federalist)  "As the U.S. Capitol building is placed under lockdown, an explosive device has reportedly been found at the Republican National Committee's Washington headquarters" (The Week)  A pipe bomb was reportedly found at RNC headquarters and destroyed by authorities....  (MSN News)

The problem with the coverage is the non-violent, un-armed, "Stop the Steal," democracy supporters has been scheduled for about 2 weeks.  Yahoo's characterizations of the protestors is slanderous at best.

Obviously Yahoo News is stirring the mix to suit  themselves and their own profit-driven agenda.

In order to make click bait, Yahoo, and other like them, will try to make conspiracy appear where it isn't.  If there is conspiracy, Yahoo will try to drag out the discovery of it until everyone is confused.  

Remember how long Yahoo delayed coverage the attempted assassination of Republican Representative Steve Scalise 2016?


Someone attacked the Republicans headquarters with a improvised explosive device.  In a "Me Too" moment, the Democrats got some kind of device that law enforcement destroyed later in the day.

Ashil Babbit, 35, was shot and killed during the riots, three others died from “medical emergencies.” They were 50-year-old Benjamin Phillips, of Ringtown Pennsylvania, Kevin Greeson, 55, of Athens Alabama and Rosanne Boylan, 34, of Kennesaw Georgia (UK Independent).

A BLM crowd arrived and fights broke out (CBS Los Angeles).  Like clockwork, they rioted in Portland (Twitter). 

Twitter blocked Mr Trump's account (Inez Stepman - Twitter)

Facebook announced a ban on images of the DC riots.(The Federalist)

All we know is something went wrong in the nation's capitol.  Clarity about what it was may take a few days.






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