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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Amazon called out Elizabeth Warren for her LIES

She threatened to break them up so they can’t HECKLE her.

Gee. What fun.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is a true socialist authoritarian who is now threatening to break up the massive company, Amazon, because they criticized her on Twitter. Here’s how it began.

Warren released a video decrying Amazon for making huge profits and paying ‘close to nothing’ in taxes:

But Amazon hit back, explaining how they’ve paid billions in taxes over the last few years and that if she doesn’t like the tax laws that they obey, then she should change them:

This response didn’t sit well with the despot from Massachusetts. She responded by threatening to break them up solely so they couldn’t heckle her on Twitter:

Seriously, she said this: “And fight to break up Big Tech so you’re not powerful enough to heckle senators with snotty tweets.”

Wow. And Democrats said Donald Trump was thin-skinned. She’s literally threatening to use the power of government to silence a company because they criticized her on social media! Free speech for me but not for thee – unless you love me!

A few responses…

 -  Republican Daily

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