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Friday, March 26, 2021

Biden's First Press Conference

National Review notes Biden “echoed a distortion often made by his Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and said that Trump had dumped children into the Mexican desert. Except Biden made the charge even more lurid by alleging that Trump had let children starve to death. This is a disgraceful and stupid charge. The Trump administration either flew back migrants to their home countries directly or handed them over to Mexican authorities to do the same. No one was pushed into the desert” (National Review).

Among other things, Biden said he makes “no apology” for any of his policies that have led to the border crisis (Fox News).

Biden's press conference cheat sheet has a picture of each reporter on it, their name, and who to call on in numerical order (Twitter).

As expected, Biden had some moments of confusion (NY Post).  It is a high pressure job.

Apparently Biden was hoping to talk COVID, but was sidelined by other pressing questions (Axios).

And this came despite avoiding reporters he knew would ask tough questions (Washington Examiner).

Biden gave himself quite a bit of praise (Wall Street Journal).

Biden's press corps
From the Babylon Bee: White House Press Corps Wears New Cheerleading Uniforms To Press Briefing (Babylon Bee).

Meanwhile, a Texas mayor, whose town is overrun by illegals, contradicts Biden’s claim that illegal border crossers are sent back. And he’s a Democrat (PJ Media).

A Getty photographer was removed because he took pictures at the border (RedState).

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