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-- either as free people or as slaves.

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Unchecked, ever-expanding government power
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Friday, March 12, 2021

BLM/Antifa Storm Banks in Portland Again

While Democrat politicians obsess about the WA DC three hour riot that happened months ago, leftist riots attacking the government continue apace, not that Democrats care or are paying any attention. 

BLM/Antifa folks --  you know those Antifa folks that Joe Biden says are “just an idea” --  attacked the federal courthouse in Portland during the day. It was almost as if they heard Merrick Garland during his confirmation hearing that if they attacked at night he wouldn’t consider it domestic terrorism but if it interrupted processes during the day that would qualify.  Paging Merrick Garland..does this qualify yet?

(Republican Daily


Andy Ngo posted on Twitter:  "'F— the United States!' Antifa try to break into the federal courthouse in Portland. Federal officials just removed the barricades protecting the building after months of #antifa attacks on the building. Now they’re back again  (Andy Ngo - Twitter)"

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