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Friday, March 12, 2021

Unions and Democrats Attack the Right to Work

The PRO Act (The Protect the Right to Organize Act, or HR 482), as passed by the US House, would force private workers to pay for labor representation.

Big Labor advanced halfway to achieving its top political priority Tuesday when the House narrowly passed the Protecting the Right to Organize Act. Despite the title, the PRO Act is stunningly, brazenly opposed to giving workers choices. It would strip from millions of workers the ability to make their own decisions about union participation.

The legislation, which President Biden has promised to sign if the Senate passes it, would be the most significant overhaul of private-sector collective-bargaining laws since the 1940s. It would tilt the playing field sharply in favor of unions and against workers and employers.

Perhaps most significant, the PRO Act would override and effectively repeal right-to-work laws, on the books in most states, which allow employees to decline union membership and not pay union fees. While the Supreme Court held in 2018 that the First Amendment guarantees this right to public employees, private workers lack that protection. (Maxford Nelsen - Freedom Foundation)

(USA Today)


The worker will have to pay protection money to the union bosses in order to work.  The PRO act is indistinguishable from an organized gangster protection racket.

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