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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Colorado Shooting No Reason for Tighter Gun Control

The reason the Colorado shooter could rampage is because existing laws were not enforced.  The implication is the Colorado officials are too lax in doing their jobs for public safety.  And ordinary gun owners are not to blame.

Early indications are that the Boulder shooter exhibited signs of violence-tinged paranoia for several years yet wasn’t a prohibited person. In a state with red flag laws, this underscores the reality that such laws are, well, useless if they go unused (Amy Swearer - Twitter)

The 21-year-old suspect arrested in a shooting rampage inside a Colorado grocery store was described by family as anti-social and paranoid and had purchased an assault weapon just six days before police say he shot and killed 10 people.

Police say the suspect, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, began his attack Monday around 2:30 p.m. local time at King Soopers in Boulder, Colo., which is about 25 miles northwest of Denver and home to the University of Colorado. He took 10 lives, among them Officer Eric Talley, 51, a father of seven who was the first to respond to the grocery store.  (USA TODAY)

Meanwhile, “Twitter told Newsweek that characterizing accused mass killer Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa as a “white Christian terrorist” doesn’t violate its misinformation policies — even though Alissa is from Syria and has been identified as Muslim” (The Blaze).

It appears the Biden administration is backing down from their plan to pass gun control through executive order (Hot Air).

Freshman Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA) on Tuesday made the argument that voting in the United States of America is more difficult than obtaining a rifle.   (Townhall).   Simply put, Padilla lied.

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