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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

California Governor Newsom Wants to See Who Signed Recall Petition

The California legislature is obliging in the effort to intimidate voters.  Its more fear porn from the left.

"California politicians facing recalls would be allowed to see the names of people who sign the petitions to oust them under legislation that cleared its first committee Monday.  If passed, it would take effect next year, meaning it would not apply to the expected recall election against Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom… (AP)."

"People were terrified — terrified — to sign this because they didn’t want Newsom to know,” said Shannon Hile, who collected signatures for the Newsom recall effort. (KTLA 5)."

State Sen. Josh Newman, the bill’s author, says the proposal would allow politicians to make sure voters weren’t duped into signing petitions and let them explain to voters how to withdraw their signatures if they wish (AP).

What could go wrong?

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