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Saturday, April 10, 2021

To sue government unions

Government unions have become so desperate to keep members they’ve resorted to forging signatures on union membership cards.  In an odd milestone, the Freedom Foundation has filed their 12th forgery case.

In the case, Freedom Foundation  is suing SEIU 503 of Oregon under the RICO Act to hold the union to the standard of the law.   As aptly stated by the WSJ’s editorial board, “RICO is a legal bazooka”.

“The Freedom Foundation says it is protecting the First Amendment rights of government workers—and holding those who violate them accountable.”
“RICO is a legal bazooka with mixed results in court, but it should get the attention of the union and Oregon government. Unions across the country have conspired with politicians to frustrate the right of workers to avoid subsidizing speech they object to with their union dues. Courts need to vindicate those rights and end this massive resistance.”

Read and share the Wall Street Journal’s editorial highlighting the Freedom Foundation’s lawsuit against SEIU 503.

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