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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Biden terminates COVID investigation

Biden terminated the investigation if COVID originated in lab.  The Left likes the idea that the Chinese government is a great pal, and would never make us sick. 

President Joe Biden’s team shut down a State Department effort to prove the corona virus originated in a Chinese lab over concerns about the quality of its work, according to three sources familiar with the decision. The State Department effort was launched late in the Trump administration.

The existence of the State Department inquiry and its termination this spring by the Biden administration — neither of which were previously revealed — comes to light amid renewed interest in whether the virus could have leaked out of a Wuhan lab (Yahoo) with links to the Chinese military (Republic World).

The Biden administration is also facing scrutiny of its own efforts to determine if the Chinese government was responsible for the virus (CNN).

"The Biden administration *shut down* the work to identify the origins of COVID. If “quality of the evidence” was the problem, why hasn’t the Biden Team launched their own investigation? (Tom Cotton - Twitter)."


Maybe 'kung flu' is not a racist term after all -- besides, the Obama administration used the term too.  (FOXNEWS)

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