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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Are white people not the problem?

Take the red pill.

Sean Ono Lennon, the son of late Beatle John Lennon and Yoko Ono, offered his -assessment of the overreach of political correctness in a series of tweets on Sunday.

Lennon argued that pushing too far on political correctness has resulted in a racist backlash that has made the problem of racial relations worse.

“When I was young ppl used to say racist s*** about Asians around me all the time and then be like ‘Oh sorry! But you’re not reeeally Asian so…’ and I think they sincerely thought that would make me feel better,” Lennon tweeted.

“I’m not exactly sure why I brought that up but I think it’s because I want to say that I grew up in a time when there was zero political correctness. I literally saw political correctness being invented right in front of me (at certain schools) and then distributed and eventually enforced as a mindset and ideology,” he explained

He went on to say that political correctness might have helped push back on racism but that it might have ushered society into an era where the medicine is worse than the disease.

“We’ve been trying this kind of morality policing for awhile now & I would posit things are arguably getting worse. Race relations seem to be in the middle of a ‘two steps back’ moment,” he tweeted.

Lennon then made a controversial statement that no longer fits with the left-wing “woke” movement.

“I am very sad that I feel like I have to say the following but here goes: Asians are not the problem. Blacks are not the problem. Jews are not the problem. And yes, Whites are not the problem either,” Lennon said.

“No race or culture is ‘the problem,'” he added.

“I have lived in many cities and countries and I can say from experience that there is an EQUAL distribution of s***ty ppl and good ppl in EVERY human population. Most are good, some aren’t great, and a very small number are clinical sociopaths you absolutely need to avoid,” Lennon continued.

He also said that he saw evidence that Americans were self segregating along “tribal lines” in a way he had not seen before.

“I am simply saying we should check our strategy if we are not getting the results we intended. I don’t know what the solution is, but I suspect that over sensitizing ppl to arbitrary characteristics like skin colour may be doing more harm than good,” he added.

Lennon’s Twitter tirade drew applause from many critics of the current “pc police” craze, while others were disappointed in his unwillingness to join the left-wing political movement.

( Sources: Patriot Daily Press, Twitter, &cetera)

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