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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself -- Biden

Half an hour ago, the Israel Defense Forces began a ground operation against Hamas targets.  

"I said that we would charge Hamas a very heavy toll. We do it now, and we will continue to do it with great intensity.  The final word has not been said.  This operation will continue as long as necessary," Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted (Twitter).

Hamas has attacked Israel with hundreds of rockets aimed at civilians over the last several days (Jerusalem Post).

President Joe Biden still has not condemn Hamas terrorists for firing rockets at Israel on Wednesday when he was asked about the ongoing violence in the Middle East. “But Israel has a right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets flying into your territory,” Biden continued. “But I had a conversation for a while with the prime minister of Israel, and I think that my hope is that we’ll see this coming to conclusion sooner than later” (Daily Wire).

One would think Mr Biden would have no need for such carefully qualified statements about Israel's  national sovereignty.   But Israel is an offense to the Democrat Left.

For four years, Israel had a reliable ally in the White House. Donald Trump moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, recognized Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, made it clear that the U.S. supported Israel’s right to self-defense, and cut aid to the Palestinians that has been traditionally used to incite terrorism. Donald Trump also recognized that Iran was a significant threat, and ratcheted up sanctions as part of a “maximum pressure” campaign.

While Democrats howled that these actions would set the region in flames, it actually led to historic peace deals between Israel and Arab states.

Biden has sent the actual opposite signals. He restored the incitement money to the Palestinians to signal closer ties and at the same time has shown a desperation to return to the disastrous Iran deal. His administration has signaled a willingness even to lift sanctions aimed at its sponsorship of terrorism (National Review).


Meanwhile, New York mayoral candidate Andrew Yang apologized for Tweet that supported Israel.  He was apparently unaware that Democrats are required to treat terrorists with kid gloves.  He’s on board now (NY Post).


 Support the residents of Israel.  Donate to relief efforts of Magen David Adom, the Israeli associate of the International Red Cross.


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