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Monday, May 17, 2021

Jewish Reporter Attacked at Seattle Anti-Semitic Rally

Reporter Rantz was assaulted, & Progressives burned someone else's Israel flag at Seattle’s anti-Semitic rally.

"In the process of covering the event, which was already tense for me as a Jew, I was assaulted by a fringe activist. I was then summarily kicked out of the public rally. As the woman hit me with a Palestinian flag, anti-Israel activists in the crowd did nothing. Some of the assault was caught on cell phone video. I wasn’t the only Jew assaulted."

"They weren’t protesting Israeli policy, which is often a claim made by progressives as they justify their anti-Semitism. They argue that being critical of Israel is not being anti-Semitic. That is true. But when the only policy you criticize is one where Israel defends itself against Hamas terrorists --  then yes, you’re an anti-Semite."


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