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Friday, June 18, 2021

Elimination of Dissent in Hong Kong

Apple Daily has been a key newspaper for freedom advocates in Hong Kong since its founding in 1995. They are going to have a hard time continuing their efforts now. 

"More than 500 officers on Thursday searched the newsroom of Apple Daily, founded by jailed Beijing critic Jimmy Lai, and arrested five executives, including its editor-in-chief Ryan Law, who was led away in handcuffs from his home (Wall Street Journal).

More from Kevin Williamson: on Wednesday the Beijing junta arrested its editor-in-chief, Ryan Law, along with other top editors, and seized its assets and bank accounts, which will, in effect, dissolve it as a business. Though police officers were seen hauling away boxes of paperwork and scrolling through computer files, Apple Daily’s offense is not keeping secrets but refusing to keep them. Apple Daily’s crime is saying what everyone knows to be true (National Review

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