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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Rep. Adam Schiff’s outrage over seized phone records

"Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) threw an apoplectic fit the other day when he learned that what he did to others was done to him.  There is some perverse irony in all of this.  But, of course, Schiff neglected to mention his own hypocrisy.

"Schiff’s tantrum was triggered by the recent disclosure that the Trump Department of Justice obtained his phone records, along with another California Democrat, Eric Swalwell and several journalists.  Their data was seized pursuant to grand jury subpoenas served on Apple in 2017 and 2018 when Schiff was the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee and Swalwell was his lackey-in-chief.

"At the time, the DOJ was trying to track down government leaks to reporters of classified information involving sensitive national security matters, which constitutes crimes.  The Intel Committee was a natural focus, given Schiff’s reputation for politically motivated leaks aimed at harming then-President Trump.

"When Schiff learned last Thursday that his phone records had been collected he predictably accused Trump of using the DOJ as a “cudgel against his political opponents and members of the media.”  The House Democrat called it “a blatant attack on our democracy.”  Cue the feigned outrage and sanctimony.

"The insufferably self-righteous Schiff didn’t bother to note that he was guilty of engaging in the exact same tactics.  Moreover, he was counting on the mainstream media to conceal it.  Naturally, they complied."
From FoxNews (via Judicial Watch) 

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