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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Biden Administration to Cubans -- Don't come to the USA

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Haitian and Cuban migrants and asylum-seekers who try to come to the U.S. by boat will not be allowed to enter the country. Even if asylum-seekers establish fear of persecution, they will be resettled in third countries, Mayorkas said (CBS News immigration reporter Camilo Montoya-Galvez on Twitter).

Guess they don’t think Cubans will vote Democratic, ergo they don’t have a claim for asylum (Mark Hemingway on Twitter).

Meanwhile, the New York Times reports old activists are thrilled to see so many young involved now. But, the story notes, “Human rights groups said it may take several days to get a clear picture of the scale of the government response because spotty phone and internet connections have made it difficult to track how many people were taken into custody” (New York Times).

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
was striking all the right notes, meeting with Cuban-American leaders in a round-table discussion to discuss the deteriorating situation in Cuba. DeSantis also corrected the Biden team for falsely painting the protests in Cuba as a reaction to the pandemic (RedState).

Karen Swallow Prior posted a letter from a pastor in Cuba asking for others to “pray for the city” where the pastor said “it is in complete collapse” as COVID is everywhere and “there is no medicine” (Twitter).

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