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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Pelosi and Biden Aides Got COVID from Texas Democrats

They held a rooftop celebration with the Texas Democrats as part of their publicity stunt (The Federalist).

"Imagine if 50 GOP state reps skipped work, drank beer on a private jet while ignoring federal mask mandates, held a press conference to spread flagrant lies that’ve been debunked, and then infected the Speaker’s Office and White House with COVID. Just imagine (Dan Crenshaw - Twitter)."

"Sounds like the six Texas D lawmakers spread some mild breakthrough cases of coronavirus to the White House and Speaker’s offices. Talk about a PR disaster (Josh Kraushaar - Twitter)."

The circle closed:  The Democrats sloppy, no-border policy is bearing it's rotten fruit.  Migrant COVID cases in Rio Grande Valley have increased 900 percent.  Is this where the Texas Democrats COVID originated?  (Fox News)

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