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Friday, March 18, 2022

NCAA male swimmer takes female finals

The X and Y chromosomes - the scientific determinants of gender

The tale of the ongoing destruction of women's sports by men in  padded bras.

A Virginia Tech swimmer tells the story of how her teammate who finished 17th was bumped from the final 16 as UPenn male swimmer Lia Thomas continues to make a mockery of the sport (Sav Twitter Video).

Women should not have their titles and opportunities stolen from them (Katie Pavlich - Twitter).

The male beat a female Olympic medalist and we’re all supposed to pretend everything is okay and it’s all normal and he’s a she because we’re supposed to elevate niceness above truth (Erick Erickson - Twitter).

Thomas won the 500 yard championship Thursday (NY Post).

The erasure of women continues. What a thing to celebrate during Women’s History Month (Kimberly Ross - Twitter).

A look at the athlete, Emma Weyant, who finished second but should, instead, be celebrating her championship (Angela Morabito - Twitter).

Second is the new first where women’s sports are concerned (Christina Sommers - Twitter).

Charles Cooke, one of the very few reporters who correctly identifies Thomas as a “he” writes
“However “Lia Thomas” might self-identify, he has the body of a man. This matters, because he is competing in a women’s sports league, and because there are profound biological differences between men and women in that sport, as in almost every other. The Times reports that Thomas “that left
opponents far behind and put some collegiate records under new pressure.” Well, yeah. This is because Thomas is a man, and because Thomas’s “opponents” — two of whom were Olympians — are not”
(National Review).

There were protestors at the pool (Laine Higgins - Twitter).

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