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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The San Francisco woke joke

San Francisco wokeism is so reactionary and intolerant, almost everybody is objectionable.  It takes less space to identify the states San Francisco government is not boycotting in some fashion for some woke reason.  The acceptable states are WA, MN, MI, NY, MA, RI, VT, ME, IL, NJ, CT, OR, CO, MO, MD, DE, CA, UT, NM, VA, HI & DC.  The leadership of San Francisco demands you support all abortion and transgender ideologies (WSJ).

"San Francisco makes this hard. It makes it expensive. A March 4 memorandum from City Administrator Carmen Chu reveals that San Francisco will not enter into contracts with businesses headquartered in most of the United States — 28 states in all. Official travel to those states is also forbidden. And this list includes some surprises: Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Wisconsin.

As a result of this vast boycott, San Francisco is constraining the number of businesses it can ink deals with, which all but certainly inhibits quality and drives up costs. It also adds onerous time constraints to the contracting process, which leads to poor outcomes and also drives up costs. 

'It limits our ability to procure products and receive services and contract services we need to run,' explains Chu. 'It limits competition for our work.'  (Mission Local)"

Who would have thought the cancel culture's perfection of Woke would be so absurd?  Welcome to utopia.

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