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Thursday, March 3, 2022

Putin murders more civilians

The Russian military still getting orders to slaughter civilians in purely civilian targets.

Missile strike in Kharkiv, Ukraine  -- Fox NewsRussia’s failure to topple the Kyiv government in a lightning strike has led to unwarranted optimism that Mr. Putin will lose this war. Ukrainians have fought splendidly, but Russian forces are still advancing in force on multiple fronts. President Biden sounded almost triumphal in his speech Tuesday about a united NATO and sanctions against Russia. 

But the U.S. goal shouldn’t merely be to unify the West. The goal is to stop Mr. Putin from conquering Ukraine and producing a humanitarian nightmare in the process. On that score Mr. Putin retains the advantage because he is unconstrained by the same niceties as the West (Wall Street Journal editorial board).

That massive convoy heading toward Kyiv appears stalled (Fox News). Putin somehow forgot the military consequence Winter's frozen roads thawing into Springtime's mud.

Thread explains why so many Russian vehicles are getting stranded (Twitter).

Bill Roggio, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies explains why he believes “Russia may have sought a knockout blow, but always had well-laid plans for follow-on assaults if its initial moves proved insufficient. The world has underestimated Putin before and those mistakes have led, in part, to this tragedy in Ukraine. We must be clear-eyed now that the war is underway” (Daily Mail).

Satellite images show some of the devastation (Axios).

It isn't over yet, and Putin's Russian forces will likely win.  We need to deflate Russia's multi-million, daily income from petroleum production.  America must step forward to replace Russia and produce the world's energy needs.  We can do it; we did it under Mr Trump's administration.  But that would require Mr Biden overcoming the inertia of the administration's lethargic energy policies....  Does Mr Putin actually control Mr Biden?

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